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If you want to write for us, now is the time to start. We're accepting guest posts.
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Drupal is a wonderful web development tool that has interestingly evolved as a versatile tool to cater to the growing demand for mobile content support. The significance of mobile presence is no more hidden from anyone. Before diving into mobile app development process, it is better to streamline your choice and find out which type of application will more benefit your business.
Drupal as a leading content management system continues to flourish as it has become more diverse, better and promising than ever before. Buoyed up by the success of Drupal 7, the webmasters of Drupal are now coming up with the latest Drupal 8, thus creating a positive wave of change, which aids in building a great future for Drupal. With the focus to make Drupal more project-oriented and flexible, Drupal 8 can be seen as a tool for expansion and modernization that definitely makes Drupal a great choice.
Since the recent years, the maintainers of Drupal content management system have been regularly warning consumers about Drupal core's vulnerability to major security attacks. SQL Injection flaw can be considered as the most popular vulnerability that has got highlighted amongst the global Drupal designers and developers. Post the disclosure of this vulnerability, security threats got increased for the Drupal modules, allowing attackers to compromise a website without even requiring a genuine account.
Book Give-away: Hold a chance to win free copy of the Instant Premium Drupal Themes, just by commenting!
For the contest we have 5 copies of Instant Premium Drupal Themes, to be given away to 5 lucky winners.
To win your copy of this book, all you need to do is come up with a comment below highlighting the reason "why you would like to win this book”.
Devsaran themes has inbuilt features for Superfish Drop down menu. No additional module is required for menu drop down.
Devsaran theme will display your Drupal Main menu in header menu bar.
Administration >> Structure >> Menus >> Main menu
So, Make sure that you have links in Main menu.
To make drop down menu work, make sure you have enabled Show as expanded for every parent menu item.