Push To Talk Supporting Technology and Benefits

By admin, 6 July, 2018

Push to talk is a means of instant communication between individuals, most commonly used in wireless cellular services which utilize voice transmission and voice reception mode. It switches a device to half duplex mode where one party can relay a message at one time, to another party; either individual or group. Push to talk is essentially a service which allows for users of wireless cellular devices to instantly communicate with another, while only needing to switch on a button to do so. Specifically Push to Talk radios rely on single or multiple transceivers and operate on frequencies which may not necessarily be available on cellular phones, making them a tool to be used in all sorts circumstances. In addition to this, if we look to its working, it involves setting up of dispatch computers which act as the main point for communication to take place between the radios and the organization.

Over time, Push to Talk systems have continuously evolved to provide flexible capabilities to its users however as mentioned previously, its basic purpose remains the same, which is for an individual to communicate vocally to another individual and / or group. Push to Talk systems utilize 4G devices which have been termed as “Long Term Evolution Network radios”, therefore, though cell networks may turn down their 3G bands, users of push to talk devices will be covered for years to come. Needless to say, this evolution is merely one of the benefits of utilizing Push To Talk technology, which further offers an array of benefits in various areas; some of the benefits of utilizing Push To Talk technology, have been outlined below.


The dynamic field of work prevailing in the current business environment has resulted in the need for a greater emphasis on security especially when dealing with a mobile workforce. Many a times there exists a threat of secure information with respect to confidential details being intercepted by unauthorized users who may utilize the information for the wrong reasons. Therefore, Push To Talk devices along with their operating systems provide tight security in terms of offering access to certain frequencies which are based upon confidential radio frequency allocation system, thereby, restricting unauthorized access of the same.

Instant Connectivity

Push to Talk systems provide instant communication through prolonged connectivity between the respective devices hence allowing for instructions and information to be relayed quickly and efficiently in time of need such as in emergency or otherwise. The onsite workforce and the control center benefit as a result of this since it allows for seamless communication between the two and can even function in places where cellphones maybe inhibited or may provide distorted communication networks.

On-Spot Location

Radio locations can be updated in real time allowing the company to gain instant visibility of the deployed personnel and offering the option of knowing their on-spot location. In addition to this, not only does this feature act as a security tool but also allows for the work force to be wary of the possibility of them being tracked by the company via GPS location. Hence, in case of a mishap, the worker can utilize this option to signal the company about their whereabouts and be picked up from their location.


A key aspect in workforce management stems from the need for effective communication which requires for the information to be transmitted and responses to be relayed for the same. Time sensitive operations could potentially stand to lose revenue as a result of ambiguous communication. Therefore, there exists a need for efficient communication within which both parties can deliver a message clearly as well as acknowledge once the message has been received; Push to talk protocol follows the aforementioned through its systems and radio encouraging clarity of transmission along with fewer misinterpretations with respect to the same.

Durability and Reliability

Push to talk radio systems function in areas which are beyond the range of cellular devices hence allowing for companies to remain in contact with workers who are near or within remote areas. In terms of durability Push to talk radio devices can withstand a plethora of environmental conditions where the usage of cellphones may not be possible or ineffective. Further to this Push to Talk radios act as a reliable channel which can be utilized for emergency services and enable the relevant authorities to remain in contact with the necessary individuals.

Industrial Usage

Industries which require and engage in deploying field employees can benefit vastly from Push to talk devices; in fact a point to be noted is that certain industries may require Push to talk devices in order to function efficiently. Push to Talk devices are ones which can serve a plethora of industries, with its usage expanding to an array of necessary requirements; limitations pertaining to distance no longer pose an issue due to, specifically due to devices such as the Peak Push To Talk device working in all place where cellular coverage is available. Therefore, industries including construction industry, event management industry, energy industry and such can easily deploy their workers who would be equipped with the necessary device to remain in contact.

The newer versions of Push to talk also known as Push to Talk over Cellular has risen to prominence within the recent years with companies such as Peak PTT amongst other providing such services. One of the major advantages of this newer version is that companies utilize cellular coverage, through using national carriers who provide extensive coverage across the United States. Though, there have also been advancements in cellular technology however, Push To Talk systems have shown the robustness, scalability and uptime required by emergency and quick – response workers, police, logistics, and other time-sensitive and mission-critical operations, making it the communication device of choice for all types of users.