To some website owners the thought of acquiring a web host, a domain name and ultimately, the entire process of web development might not be taxing but it is to most new website owners. Especially when you have made the decision to start your very own blog online, you would have to consider some essential factors beforehand. These factors range from the type of web host your blog would need to the customer support levels you are seeking to get. Now all of this might sound confusing to you at first but that is exactly why this article has been compiled.
What’s in it for you?
Now the number one thing that sparked into your mind was – what’s in it for you? Is knowing extensive details about web hosts worth it? Can you suffice without knowing how to carry out each step to integrate your chosen host with a web platform? These answers to these questions of yours will only become futile if you do not fully pay heed to the significance of choosing a hosting and choose to set it aside.
You are certainly not being asked to test the levels of your coding abilities nor is it intended to go deeper into the technical details of web hosts. The entire purpose of the following 5 tips soon to be presented, is to help you hone your decision-making skills when it comes to choosing web hosts as well as what you should be looking into one before making the last selection.
With that aside, it is expected for you to understand the basics of web hosting, its selection and why it is not as easy as it sounds. Randomly deciding and shaping your decisions is where you shall fall short so without further ado, here are the 5 tips that will govern your selection in finding the best host for your blog website.
1. Prioritize your web hosting requirements
While it might sound like a simple decision to make but to your surprise, selection of the right web host for your website can become a huge ordeal. It entirely depends on how you prioritized your needs and how you were able to analyze which hosting plan deemed fit for your website.
There are a few factors on which your decision to choose a web host resorts upon. If you fail to specify your needs, you are likely to face shortcomings in the future. Firstly, you should decide whether you want to build your website on WordPress or not. If you have chosen WordPress then WordPress hosting is the right choice for it. Another factor is scalability, which will be discussed later on.
2. Make sure the web host is scalable
Not every web host provides this option but some reliable providers do. Suppose, initially you were on a budget so you chose shared hosting for your website but now that there has been an increment in user traffic, you have no choice but to upgrade your web host. What will you do in such a scenario?
The only probable solution is that if you were confident your website would generate heavy traffic in a short time span then choosing shared hosting was not a smart idea. Cloud hosting, virtual private servers or dedicated hosting are some fine examples of web hosts that can be further scaled.
3. Analyze hosting speed and performance
A very common dilemma website owners face is when they have successfully set up their web host as well as the website, only to realize there is a decline in both speed and performance. Since this is quite a common issue, a credible solution exists for it as well.
The only important factor to know is that when you are making a decision to select a web host, you should inquire with the hosting provider about its speed, performance and reliability. If still unsure, you can test it out for a week or two and only then make a sound and firm decision.
4. Opt for a cost-effective solution
It is only a misconception when you hear that affordable options for purchasing a web host are not a good idea. This statement is entirely subjective since it relies on your ability to research and analyze the one befitting to all your needs, requirements and website specifications.
Numerous web hosting companies and providers have beginner-level packages with affordable pricing plans. All you need to is shortlist web hosting providers of your liking and then gradually compare the pricing plan each provider offers. If a plan is both cost-effective and matches your needs then that is the one you should choose.
5. Quality customer service is required
Whether you are looking to get hosting for your first ever website or you own multiple of them, it is still preferred to choose a web hosting provider that offers you quality and timely support at all times. Supposedly, you have set up a host and you cannot proceed further with a certain phase. What would you possibly do?
The only explanation is to contact the support team of the hosting provider. Decide on the communication medium of your preference, which can be voice chat, email or textual chatting options. Once decided, make sure the customer support team is prompt with its responses and does not keep you waiting unnecessarily.
These 5 tips accumulated together are just a few of the stepping stones that you have to achieve in order to set up an impeccable web host for your website. Once you get the gist of all the steps required in choosing a hosting provider, selecting the web host and knowing how to intricately integrate it with your website server is when you should know that you have been successful in your endeavours of finding the best web host there is for your blog. It all begins with a basic understanding, which leads towards an effortless approach to grasping the concept and importance of web hosts.